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So you’ve heard of chia, and would like to try it…but what should you know before you buy chia seeds? If you want to get all the value from your seeds, you’ll need a few tips first! In less than five minutes, with this article, you’ll easily understand just what chia can do for you…and learn the best seeds to choose.

What should you know before you decide on chia seeds?

Chia Seeds Have No Flavor:
Unlike most other foods, chia seeds don’t really taste like anything. They’re more than just ‘mild’, they’re pretty much lacking in flavor and scent. You can’t hate it, but you can’t love it either. This is of great benefit to picky eaters, picky kids and vegetable-‘haters’, because it can blend very easily into foods you already like to eat. However, on the other side of the coin, it can be very easy to get bored of, or even mis-use (example: trying to eat just plain water chia gel for health and then not liking it) So, it’s good to know that tiny, easy to overlook seeds don’t have a taste but it also means that…
You’ll Need Recipes:
To get the real value of your seeds, and ensure you’ll enjoy every one in good health, you’ll need some recipes to get started with. Flavor-free chia is super easy to use once you get some basics with quick, simple recipes. Sure you can sprinkle on sandwiches, stir into yogurt, blend into smoothies and mix it into salad dressings you already liked…but what else can you do? Recipes will show you the way, and how to save time and eat healthier as well.
Chia Can Replace An Egg:
Looking to go vegetarian? You can use chia gel as a substitute for an egg in some recipes. It’s as easy as measure, scoop and stir. Using a ‘chia gel egg’ won’t change the taste of the food, either. Because it has so much soluble fiber, it’s also a ‘binder type ingredient’, just like an egg. The chia-egg is superior to the flax- egg, since it has an even bigger binding property & is easier to digest.
Chia Can Substitute For Oil Or Butter:
Chia Helps You Feel Full:
Snacking or between-meals hunger a problem? Let chia help! It’s no secret that chia is packed with 2 kinds of fiber (soluble & insoluble) as well as protein. These factors combine to help you feel full faster and stay feeling satisfied longer. The fiber slows down the conversion of any carbohydrates (present at the same time) into sugars by the body, which also makes for steadier energy. You can use Specific Ways To Fight Hunger With Chia too, if you’re really looking for weight loss. *But be careful! Having a chia snack or drink around meal time may mean you won’t want much of that meal.
Chia Makes Chia Gel:
There’s so much fiber on the outside of the chia seed shell that when you soak them in water (or other non- acidic beverages like fruit juice) you’ll actually get a thick and useful gel. It also pulls liquid from surrounding foods and holds it close to the seed surface. This makes dry chia help burgers cling together better when you add seasonings & sauces to the meat before cooking, it can thicken soups or stews for a hearty texture, it can help make no-cook fruit jams and so much more! This property is so easy and useful…it’s always at your fingertips with chia in the house.
Chia can do all this…and more! There’s too many benefits of chia to fit into just one article. Please explore for more at the Article Hub too!
Want baked goods with less fat? Let chia gel be your key to success! Chia gel can replace up to half of the butter or oil in baked recipes without changing the texture, taste, or how the food looks or bakes. The omega-3 healthy oils in the seeds help keep the food from “tasting like diet products”, while the moisture in the gel makes the end result tender.
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So you’ve heard of chia, and would like to try it…but what should you know before you buy chia seeds? If you want to get all the value from your seeds, you’ll need a few tips first! In less than five minutes, with this article, you’ll easily understand just what chia can do for you…and learn the best seeds to choose.
Unlike most other foods, chia seeds don’t really taste like anything. They’re more than just ‘mild’, they’re pretty much lacking in flavor and scent. You can’t hate it, but you can’t love it either. This is of great benefit to picky eaters, picky kids and vegetable-‘haters’, because it can blend very easily into foods you already like to eat. However, on the other side of the coin, it can be very easy to get bored of, or even mis-use (example: trying to eat just plain water chia gel for health and then not liking it) So, it’s good to know that tiny, easy to overlook seeds don’t have a taste but it also means that…
To get the real value of your seeds, and ensure you’ll enjoy every one in good health, you’ll need some recipes to get started with. Flavor- free chia is super easy to use once you get some basics with quick, simple recipes. Sure you can sprinkle on sandwiches, stir into yogurt, blend into smoothies and mix it into salad dressings you already liked…but what else can you do? Recipes will show you the way, and how to save time and eat healthier as well.
Chia Can Replace An Egg:
Looking to go vegetarian? You can use chia gel as a substitute for an egg in some recipes. It’s as easy as measure, scoop and stir. Using a ‘chia gel egg’ won’t change the taste of the food, either. Because it has so much soluble fiber, it’s also a ‘binder type ingredient’, just like an egg. The chia-egg is superior to the flax-egg, since it has an even bigger binding property & is easier to digest.
Snacking or between-meals hunger a problem? Let chia help! It’s no secret that chia is packed with 2 kinds of fiber (soluble & insoluble) as well as protein. These factors combine to help you feel full faster and stay feeling satisfied longer. The fiber slows down the conversion of any carbohydrates (present at the same time) into sugars by the body, which also makes for steadier energy. You can use Specific Ways To Fight Hunger With Chia too, if you’re really looking for weight loss. *But be careful! Having a chia snack or drink around meal time may mean you won’t want much of that meal.
Chia Helps You Feel Full:
Chia Can Substitute For Oil Or Butter:
There’s so much fiber on the outside of the chia seed shell that when you soak them in water (or other non-acidic beverages like fruit juice) you’ll actually get a thick and useful gel. It also pulls liquid from surrounding foods and holds it close to the seed surface. This makes dry chia help burgers cling together better when you add seasonings & sauces to the meat before cooking, it can thicken soups or stews for a hearty texture, it can help make no-cook fruit jams and so much more! This property is so easy and useful…it’s always at your fingertips with chia in the house.
Chia Makes Chia Gel:
Chia Seeds Have No Flavor:
Want baked goods with less fat? Let chia gel be your key to success! Chia gel can replace up to half of the butter or oil in baked recipes without changing the texture, taste, or how the food looks or bakes. The omega-3 healthy oils in the seeds help keep the food from “tasting like diet products”, while the moisture in the gel makes the end result tender.
You’ll Need Recipes:
Chia can do all this…and more! There’s too many benefits of chia to fit into just one article. Please explore for more at the Article Hub too!

What Should You Know

Before Deciding on Chia Seeds?