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How To Avoid The 8 Most Common Mistakes With Chia Seeds

Want to try chia seeds? Have you heard so many positive things about chia seeds that you’re ready to give them a try on your menu? That’s great! Chia has so many benefits that if you’re not using it, you’re really missing out. But, you can avoid beginner pitfalls, skip wasting money, and find lots of ways to really enjoy these super seeds with this list of mistakes AND solutions. This list is not in any particular order.

Mistake: 1 Too Much Gel

An easy way to waste chia seeds is by making too much chia gel at once. Sure, chia gel will keep in a covered container for about a week, but after that it’s easy for it to spoil. Chia is nutritious and so is soluble fiber (for certain organisms) which means that random mold spores or bacteria that could be floating through the air just anywhere would love to have a bite & set up shop in your gel if it gets too old.

Mistake 2 No Plan To Use Chia

Chia seeds don’t really have a flavor. This makes them hard to hate if they don’t taste like much, and hardly anyone knows they’re there. But, a food without a flavor can get boring fast if you’re just using it the same way over and over again. There are SO many fun things you can do with chia that improve your diet as well. Combine flavors in salad dressings, replace oil or butter in baked goods, replace an egg in certain recipes, stir into almost anything, use in drinks to cut appetite, help hold seasoned burgers together for grilling, thicken soups & chilies…the list just goes on and on! But…chia can’t help you if you don’t use it. Plan your solution: If you don’t go into chia with a plan to use it, you may just set it down and forget it. Owning a product you don’t use wastes money! Select some easy, appealing ways to use it including simple sprinkle-on, mix-in, and some quick recipes to start with. With the books seen here, you don’t even have to run around the internet hunting recipes, you just get everything all at once. Having a great, pre-tested set of recipes at your fingertips is super important. When you make something SO easy there’s no excuses.

Mistake 3 Hate the Texture

The most popular & numerous recipes that involve chia (that you’ve surely seen) are so-called “chia seed puddings”. This means mixing or gelling chia in various flavored liquids to form a thick, chilled ‘pudding’ made primarily of the seeds and their super soluble fiber.  There are so many flavors you can make like key lime, coconut pineapple, chocolate, vanilla-cinnamon, berry and more--however, no amount of flavors will convince someone if they don’t like the texture. Lots of people stop there…and that’s a mistake! Others try just the pudding and decide that chia’s not for them as soon as they test the texture. This one’s so easy to avoid, just look at the pictures below...

Mistake 4: Trying to Make Gel in Acidic Liquids or Oils

Chia won’t gel if a liquid is too acidic. Of course, oil prevents gelling all together. However, chia WILL still combine flavors in almost anything. For example, you can’t make chia seeds gel in pure lemon or lime juice. However, you can use them as a flavor combiner when they’re already gelled. Don’t be disappointed when you try to make lemon sauce or no-cook blueberry fresh chia jam, use the solution today.

Mistake 5: Chia Ruined Your Appetite

Is this one a mistake, or is it an incentive? It can go either way, depending on what you want! The fact is, chia seeds can make people feel full. Two kinds of fiber soluble & insoluble, plus complete protein combine to help signal fullness. After leaving the stomach, both kinds of fiber take up space in the digestive system, along with the water the soluble fiber absorbed, further aiding in fighting hunger. At the same time, the soluble fiber helps slow down the conversions of carbohydrates into sugars (thus helping with blood sugar) which is another appetite controller. Avoid OR Enhance it: If you’re trying to lose weight and hunger is your biggest enemy, feeling full is good. However, if you’re already at your target weight and feeling too full for fresh fruit and veggies is a nuisance, there are steps you can take. Enhance: To use chia’s hunger fighting power in your favor: Add a few teaspoons of chia gel to ½ to ¾ cup of water and drink it about 15 minutes before a meal. It’ll cut hunger, but the ‘I’m not so hungry now’ signal takes time to get from the stomach to the brain. It is important to let your body realize it isn’t as hungry as before. You can also sprinkle chia over the food/meal and eat slowly to feel full faster. Fiber in general helps with digestion for both you, and the probiotic bacteria who help keep you healthy. Tip! Chia can make a drink into a snack! If you make the pomegranate-lime twist chia drink above, it’s fresh flavor wakes you up, while chia’s hunger fighting power means you can use the delicious drink to replace a snack. Chia drinks have flavors you just can’t get in the store...but mix up in minutes in your home. Avoid: Use chia in water to add fiber, texture, protein etc. only when there isn’t a meal coming up. Use chia in foods for it’s myriad purposes, but then don’t sprinkle on extra before eating.

Mistake 6: Going from a low fiber environment to a high fiber environment too quickly

Processed foods are everywhere today. Most fast foods, instant-meals and more are made with very little fiber. To get an appealing texture in breads or cakes (and many other baked goods), fiber is generally filtered right out.  Many people pay attention to nutrition…but not enough attention to fiber. (Neither kind of fiber can be digested, but it plays an important role in your health) Are you getting your daily recomended amount of fiber? If not, chia is just about the easiest way to fix that. However, too much fiber all at once after many months/weeks without it will certainly cause digestive disruption. Slow the solution down: It’s important to take an honest look at how you’ve been eating. If your menu was low on fiber, that’s fine…your solution is to just increase your fiber intake gradually with chia. The key is to start off slow, with small amounts of chia spread throughout the day and slowly increase to the daily recommended amount (about 1 dry tablespoon for an average adult, per day—of course you can vary this depending on your needs.) If you need more fiber for ease of digestion, cholesterol issues (fiber helps with cholesterol), intestinal hydration or if you’re working to prevent diverticulitus / diverticulosis, let chia be your solution.

Mistake 8: Hoping Chia Seeds Will Solve it All

Can chia seeds do a lot of really cool stuff? Certainly. Will they solve all your dietary or culinary problems? No. Sure they can help you stop hunger…but if you eat poorly when you do finally get hungry again, you won’t see much progress toward your health goals. You can sprinkle chia on your donut and get more fiber for your day, but in the end, it’s still a donut when there are better-for-you alternatives that might have done more for your health.

Mistake 7: Eating A Large Quantity of Dry Chia Seeds All At Once

As you’ve likely read, many times over, chia seeds are great for fiber! But, do you know WHY the chia seed has such an abundance of soluble fiber on the surface of the seed shell? It’s to give the seed a good chance at starting a brand new plant in a harsh, dry environment. The seeds absorb liquid & hold it close to the shell. This also works to help the seed stick to a surface on which to grow instead of just blowing away in the wind. It’s all very logical & natural.
Now that you know about the various possible mistakes, you can also see how easy they are to avoid when you apply the solutions. Put the chia seed to work for you today with MySeeds Chia.  It’s the only chia that comes with 2 instant bonus recipe books for you. Why waste time hunting all over the internet, just get pre-tested, easy, full color photo recipes for your chia all in one place. Because they’re an instant download, there’s no waiting.   Did you know? There are so many benefits of chia seeds, that no single article or list could include them all. Whether it’s keeping your probiotic bacteria healthy, balancing blood sugar, providing plant-estrogen free vegetarian complete protein, adding omega 3 healthy oils without fishy flavor, or the ability to add extra fiber to almost anything, chia is your easiest choice. Buy MySeeds Chia & grab your bonus books instantly.
Chia Seed Gel is a great value
Both glasses have the same amount of chia! Look how much gel you get when you add water.
Avoid it: Use the easy gel ratio! Chia gel doesn’t have to be made in any certain amount, as long as you remember the easy gel ratio is 9 to 1. That’s 1 part chia & 9 parts water. Need a little? 1 teaspoon chia to 3 tablespoons water. Need a lot? 1 tablespoon chia to 9 tablespoons water. Chia gel is a GREAT value! For every 1 tablespoon of seeds you get 9 tablespoons of gel to use in any of the tasty & easy applications. It also means a little chia can go a longer way. The daily recomended amount of chia for an average adult is 1 dry tablespoon. That means 1 pound of MySeeds will last over one month. So, be sure to let the value work for you by planning how much gel you need & using the ratio.
Don't waste mony: use the chia gel ratio to get the right amount MySeeds Gives You Instant Chia Seed Cook Books Don't waste money, have a tasty plan to use chia No Pudding Here! Super Chia Food Variety
Solution: Use chia in different ways. It’s SO much more than just pudding. Mix it into a smoothie or oatmeal and you won’t know it’s there. Bake it into banana bread and get extra fiber in the morning & most people won’t even see the seeds. Sprinkle seeds into an omelet or mix into salad dressing and they’re pretty much seen but not tasted. Each of the foods & drinks above all feature chia in a different use. If you don’t like chia pudding or the texture of gel, it’s so easy to avoid simply because there are so many different ways to use it.
Chia Seeds are SO MUCH more than just pudding! Look at this colorful variety of breakfasts, lucnches, dinners ,drinks and even desserts that use chia.
Blueberry Chia Fresh Jam How To Avoid the 8 Most Common Mistakes With Chia Seeds
Solution: Gel the chia before adding it to your acidic liquid. It’ll still work at blending flavors in vinaigrette dressings, honey/lemon dressing, lime sauce, blueberry-vanilla jam and more. (Yes, the blueberry is a secretly acidic food that doesn’t taste sour! Don’t worry, just like lemon juice they become alkaline as they’re digested.) When working with chia and oil, you can stir the seeds into it and shake to mix. 
Would you suspect a blueberry is as acidic as a lemon?
Pomegranate Chia Lime Refreshement Drink Slow Solution Triangle Chia Mistake Avoiding Triangle Dry Seeds vs Chocolate Layer Lowfat Fudge Pop
Logical Solution: If chia absorbs water...dry chia in your mouth (or throat) will absorb all your saliva and make it difficult to swallow the seeds.  It’s the same mechanism as attempting to eat too many dry crackers at once. Enjoy crackers one at a time. Enjoy chia seeds in foods & beverages as well as a gel for chia pudding. There is no need to eat large quantities of dry chia. Because chia doesn’t really taste like much, there’s no point to eating it dry.
Which one is more appealing? A pile of dry seeds or a double chocolate layer pop? Don’t worry, if you can blend, you can make any flavor of chia pop! When chia can be this much fun, there’s no need to eat it plain.
Anyone can use chia example photos
Solution: Small tasty changes, fun easy recipes, and the excitement of trying something new. If you’re looking to use chia to improve your health, it’s a powerful tool. However, nothing is a 100% ‘cure-all’, so set yourself up for success rather than disappointment. Maybe instead of a bowl of sugary cereal, you could try the 2 minute chia scrambled egg, the make-ahead (no morning rush can stop you!) overnight-oats in any one of a zillion tasty themes, or a chocolate chia smoothie that’s super healthy instead. Take away excuses like ‘no time’ (many chia recipes mix or make in minutes) or ‘bad taste’ (with so much fruit, veggie & healthy choice variety there’s bound to be something for everyone)
Why should you care about fiber? Fiber isn’t nutritious. You can’t break it down for energy. But the role it plays in your health is HUGE. The fact that fiber is overlooked is one of the biggest diet-related mistakes anyone can make. This small list only scratches the surface of fiber’s function. Freely look up any list item that’s related to your health on the internet to learn more than can be contained in just 1 article.
1. Cholesterol control- YES fiber can affect cholesterol levels. Bile acid from the liver is used to process it, but the liver must use up cholesterol to create the acid. Less cholesterol? More fiber. 2. Immunity - Many helpful bad-bacteria fighters, virus defeaters & more are alive and well in your digestive system. However...they need soluble fiber to stay healthy & work properly. 3. Cravings- Cravings are sometimes controlled by the ‘microbiome’ of bacteria in the digestive system. Set them up for success with fiber. 4. Hunger control- Fiber takes up space in the digestive system so if hunger is an issue for you, more fiber can keep you feeling full longer. 5. Blood sugar control- Fiber gets in the way while the body tries to convert carbs into sugars, slowing the process down. This results in a more even blood sugar balance during meals. 6. Long term intestinal health- Want to avoid diverticulitus or diverticulosis? Keep your intestines working smoothly & well hydrated with fiber.
MySeeds Chia Bag With Bonus Books
Avoid it: Use the easy gel ratio! Chia gel doesn’t have to be made in any certain amount, as long as you remember the easy gel ratio is 9 to 1. That’s 1 part chia & 9 parts water. Need a little? 1 teaspoon chia to 3 tablespoons water. Need a lot? 1 tablespoon chia to 9 tablespoons water. Chia gel is a GREAT value! For every 1 tablespoon of seeds you get 9 tablespoons of gel to use in any of the tasty & easy applications. It also means a little chia can go a longer way. The daily recomended amount of chia for an average adult is 1 dry tablespoon. That means 1 pound of MySeeds will last over one month. So, be sure to let the value work for you by planning how much gel you need & using the ratio.
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How To Avoid The 8 Most Common Mistakes

With Chia Seeds

Want to try chia seeds? Have you heard so many positive things about chia seeds that you’re ready to give them a try on your menu? That’s great! Chia has so many benefits that if you’re not using it, you’re really missing out. But, you can avoid beginner pitfalls, skip wasting money, and find lots of ways to really enjoy these super seeds with this list of mistakes AND solutions. This list is not in any particular order.

Mistake: 1 Too Much Gel

An easy way to waste chia seeds is by making too much chia gel at once. Sure, chia gel will keep in a covered container for about a week, but after that it’s easy for it to spoil. Chia is nutritious and so is soluble fiber (for certain organisms) which means that random mold spores or bacteria that could be floating through the air just anywhere would love to have a bite & set up shop in your gel if it gets too old.

Mistake 2 No Plan To Use Chia

Chia seeds don’t really have a flavor. This makes them hard to hate if they don’t taste like much, and hardly anyone knows they’re there. But, a food without a flavor can get boring fast if you’re just using it the same way over and over again. There are SO many fun things you can do with chia that improve your diet as well. Combine flavors in salad dressings, replace oil or butter in baked goods, replace an egg in certain recipes, stir into almost anything, use in drinks to cut appetite, help hold seasoned burgers together for grilling, thicken soups & chilies…the list just goes on and on! But…chia can’t help you if you don’t use it. Plan your solution: If you don’t go into chia with a plan to use it, you may just set it down and forget it. Owning a product you don’t use wastes money! Select some easy, appealing ways to use it including simple sprinkle- on, mix-in, and some quick recipes to start with. With the books seen here, you don’t even have to run around the internet hunting recipes, you just get everything all at once. Having a great, pre-tested set of recipes at your fingertips is super important. When you make something SO easy there’s no excuses.

Mistake 3 Hate the Texture

The most popular & numerous recipes that involve chia (that you’ve surely seen) are so-called “chia seed puddings”. This means mixing or gelling chia in various flavored liquids to form a thick, chilled ‘pudding’ made primarily of the seeds and their super soluble fiber.  There are so many flavors you can make like key lime, coconut pineapple, chocolate, vanilla-cinnamon, berry and more--however, no amount of flavors will convince someone if they don’t like the texture. Lots of people stop there…and that’s a mistake! Others try just the pudding and decide that chia’s not for them as soon as they test the texture. This one’s so easy to avoid, just look at the pictures below...

Mistake 4: Trying to Make Gel in Acidic Liquids

or Oils

Chia won’t gel if a liquid is too acidic. Of course, oil prevents gelling all together. However, chia WILL still combine flavors in almost anything. For example, you can’t make chia seeds gel in pure lemon or lime juice. However, you can use them as a flavor combiner when they’re already gelled. Don’t be disappointed when you try to make lemon sauce or no-cook blueberry fresh chia jam, use the solution today.

Mistake 5: Chia Ruined Your


Is this one a mistake, or is it an incentive? It can go either way, depending on what you want! The fact is, chia seeds can make people feel full. Two kinds of fiber soluble & insoluble, plus complete protein combine to help signal fullness. After leaving the stomach, both kinds of fiber take up space in the digestive system, along with the water the soluble fiber absorbed, further aiding in fighting hunger. At the same time, the soluble fiber helps slow down the conversions of carbohydrates into sugars (thus helping with blood sugar) which is another appetite controller. Avoid OR Enhance it: If you’re trying to lose weight and hunger is your biggest enemy, feeling full is good. However, if you’re already at your target weight and feeling too full for fresh fruit and veggies is a nuisance, there are steps you can take. Enhance: To use chia’s hunger fighting power in your favor: Add a few teaspoons of chia gel to ½ to ¾ cup of water and drink it about 15 minutes before a meal. It’ll cut hunger, but the ‘I’m not so hungry now’ signal takes time to get from the stomach to the brain. It is important to let your body realize it isn’t as hungry as before. You can also sprinkle chia over the food/meal and eat slowly to feel full faster. Fiber in general helps with digestion for both you, and the probiotic bacteria who help keep you healthy. Tip! Chia can make a drink into a snack! If you make the pomegranate-lime twist chia drink above, it’s fresh flavor wakes you up, while chia’s hunger fighting power means you can use the delicious drink to replace a snack. Chia drinks have flavors you just can’t get in the store...but mix up in minutes in your home. Avoid: Use chia in water to add fiber, texture, protein etc. only when there isn’t a meal coming up. Use chia in foods for it’s myriad purposes, but then don’t sprinkle on extra before eating.

Mistake 6: Going from a low fiber environment

to a high fiber environment too quickly

Processed foods are everywhere today. Most fast foods, instant-meals and more are made with very little fiber. To get an appealing texture in breads or cakes (and many other baked goods), fiber is generally filtered right out.  Many people pay attention to nutrition…but not enough attention to fiber. (Neither kind of fiber can be digested, but it plays an important role in your health) Are you getting your daily recomended amount of fiber? If not, chia is just about the easiest way to fix that. However, too much fiber all at once after many months/weeks without it will certainly cause digestive disruption. Slow the solution down: It’s important to take an honest look at how you’ve been eating. If your menu was low on fiber, that’s fine…your solution is to just increase your fiber intake gradually with chia. The key is to start off slow, with small amounts of chia spread throughout the day and slowly increase to the daily recommended amount (about 1 dry tablespoon for an average adult, per day—of course you can vary this depending on your needs.) If you need more fiber for ease of digestion, cholesterol issues (fiber helps with cholesterol), intestinal hydration or if you’re working to prevent diverticulitus / diverticulosis, let chia be your solution.

Mistake 8: Hoping Chia Seeds Will Solve it All

Can chia seeds do a lot of really cool stuff? Certainly. Will they solve all your dietary or culinary problems? No. Sure they can help you stop hunger…but if you eat poorly when you do finally get hungry again, you won’t see much progress toward your health goals. You can sprinkle chia on your donut and get more fiber for your day, but in the end, it’s still a donut when there are better-for- you alternatives that might have done more for your health.

Mistake 7: Eating A Large Quantity of

Dry Chia Seeds All At Once

As you’ve likely read, many times over, chia seeds are great for fiber! But, do you know WHY the chia seed has such an abundance of soluble fiber on the surface of the seed shell? It’s to give the seed a good chance at starting a brand new plant in a harsh, dry environment. The seeds absorb liquid & hold it close to the shell. This also works to help the seed stick to a surface on which to grow instead of just blowing away in the wind. It’s all very logical & natural.
Chia Seed Gel is a great value Don't waste mony: use the chia gel ratio to get the right amount MySeeds Gives You Instant Chia Seed Cook Books Chia Idea Montage Colorful Foods Blueberry Chia Fresh Jam Pomegranate Chia Lime Refreshement Drink Slow Down Solution Triangle Chia Problem Avoidance Triangle Dry Seeds vs Chocolate Layer Lowfat Fudge Pop
Now that you know about the various possible mistakes, you can also see how easy they are to avoid when you apply the solutions. Put the chia seed to work for you today with MySeeds Chia.  It’s the only chia that comes with 2 instant bonus recipe books for you. Why waste time hunting all over the internet, just get pre-tested, easy, full color photo recipes for your chia all in one place. Because they’re an instant download, there’s no waiting.   Did you know? There are so many benefits of chia seeds, that no single article or list could include them all. Whether it’s keeping your probiotic bacteria healthy, balancing blood sugar, providing plant- estrogen free vegetarian complete protein, adding omega 3 healthy oils without fishy flavor, or the ability to add extra fiber to almost anything, chia is your easiest choice. Buy MySeeds Chia & grab your bonus books instantly.
Everyone Can Use Chia Food Example Photo Collage
Which one is more appealing? A pile of dry seeds or a double chocolate layer pop? Don’t worry, if you can blend, you can make any flavor of chia pop! When chia can be this much fun, there’s no need to eat it plain.
Logical Solution: If chia absorbs water...dry chia in your mouth (or throat) will absorb all your saliva and make it difficult to swallow the seeds.  It’s the same mechanism as attempting to eat too many dry crackers at once. Enjoy crackers one at a time. Enjoy chia seeds in foods & beverages as well as a gel for chia pudding. There is no need to eat large quantities of dry chia. Because chia doesn’t really taste like much, there’s no point to eating it dry.
Get MySeeds Chia - The Only Chia With Instant Bonus Books How To Avoid the 8 Most Common Mistakes With Chia Seeds
Solution: Small tasty changes, fun easy recipes, and the excitement of trying something new. If you’re looking to use chia to improve your health, it’s a powerful tool. However, nothing is a 100% ‘cure-all’, so set yourself up for success rather than disappointment. Maybe instead of a bowl of sugary cereal, you could try the 2 minute chia scrambled egg, the make-ahead (no morning rush can stop you!) overnight-oats in any one of a zillion tasty themes, or a chocolate chia smoothie that’s super healthy instead. Take away excuses like ‘no time’ (many chia recipes mix or make in minutes) or ‘bad taste’ (with so much fruit, veggie & healthy choice variety there’s bound to be something for everyone)
1. Cholesterol control- YES fiber can affect cholesterol levels. Bile acid from the liver is used to process it, but the liver must use up cholesterol to create the acid. Less cholesterol? More fiber. 2. Immunity - Many helpful bad-bacteria fighters, virus defeaters & more are alive and well in your digestive system. However...they need soluble fiber to stay healthy & work properly. 3. Cravings- Cravings are sometimes controlled by the ‘microbiome’ of bacteria in the digestive system. Set them up for success with fiber. 4. Hunger control- Fiber takes up space in the digestive system so if hunger is an issue for you, more fiber can keep you feeling full longer. 5. Blood sugar control- Fiber gets in the way while the body tries to convert carbs into sugars, slowing the process down. This results in a more even blood sugar balance during meals. 6. Long term intestinal health- Want to avoid diverticulitus or diverticulosis? Keep your intestines working smoothly & well hydrated with fiber.
Why should you care about fiber? Fiber isn’t nutritious. You can’t break it down for energy. But the role it plays in your health is HUGE. The fact that fiber is overlooked is one of the biggest diet-related mistakes anyone can make. This small list only scratches the surface of fiber’s function. Freely look up any list item that’s related to your health on the internet to learn more than can be contained in just 1 article.
Solution: Gel the chia before adding it to your acidic liquid. It’ll still work at blending flavors in vinaigrette dressings, honey/lemon dressing, lime sauce, blueberry-vanilla jam and more. (Yes, the blueberry is a secretly acidic food that doesn’t taste sour! Don’t worry, just like lemon juice they become alkaline as they’re digested.) When working with chia and oil, you can stir the seeds into it and shake to mix. 
Would you suspect a blueberry is as acidic as a lemon?
Don't waste money, have a tasty plan to use chia
Solution: Use chia in different ways. It’s SO much more than just pudding. Mix it into a smoothie or oatmeal and you won’t know it’s there. Bake it into banana bread and get extra fiber in the morning & most people won’t even see the seeds. Sprinkle seeds into an omelet or mix into salad dressing and they’re pretty much seen but not tasted. Each of the foods & drinks above all feature chia in a different use. If you don’t like chia pudding or the texture of gel, it’s so easy to avoid simply because there are so many different ways to use it.
Chia Seeds are SO MUCH more than just pudding! Look at this colorful variety of breakfasts, lucnches, dinners ,drinks and even desserts that use chia.
Both glasses have the same amount of chia! Look how much gel you get when you add water.