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Are you looking for an easy way to lose weight without starving yourself? Are you looking for a simple and delicious way to add more nutrition to your life, without the hassle or expense? Then chances are, you’re looking for chia. With its unique ability to form a thick, filling gel, when added to liquid, Chia seeds are an ideal weight loss aid. The gel fills you up, and since it has no flavor, you can add it to anything you already like to eat. The seeds themselves are also packed with nutrients, like omega 3 oil, fiber, and protein….so it’s easy to increase your over-all health by adding Chia Seeds to your diet. However…this is where you need to be alert! There are two different kinds of Chia, which is a variety of the mint plant. Both have flowers, and yield tiny, healthy seeds. But what you may not know, is that the different colors of seeds have different nutritional values. Chia plants with purple flowers will yield brown seeds. These are called “Black Chia”, though each seed Is a variety of different colors of brown, mottled together in a unique pattern. Plants with white flowers will produce only white seeds. These are a marbled mixture of white, gray and yellowish. Both don't have a flavor of their own, and function the same way, forming chia gel.
So what’s the difference? The seeds are actually pretty similar in nutritional content, but if you want the best of both worlds, you need a brand of Chia Seed such as MySeeds Chia, that mixes together both colors. Some Chia retailers only sell one type (color) of seed or meal, so be sure to get the facts first before you buy. And you might be missing out, or paying too much!
Black & White Chia Flower Graphic
However, those stats are just for what the FDA currently measures in all foods that have the 'nutrition facts' label. There are other substances in foods that the FDA does not currently measure...but they're still important for health!
Close Up Black & White Chia Size Seeds
Black Seed Protein: 4.3 White Seed Protein: 5.17 Black Seed Fiber: 6.52 White Seed Fiber: 5.52 Black Seed Cholesterol: 0 White Seed Cholesterol: 0
Take a look at this nutrition difference rundown:
Here are both kinds of seeds, separated. They're quite small, and each one is patterned on the surface.
What are Anthocyanins? Anthocyanins are the dark colored pigment in certain plant products, such as fruits, leaves, stems or seeds. The darker the color of the item, the more anthocyanins it is likely to contain. Dark colored examples include blackberries, plums, beets, black beans, and, the dark brown chia seed. The lighter something is, the less it will have so cauliflower, white potato and the white colored chia seed all have less. But what do they do for you? Anthocyanins have an anti-oxidant property. They help fight free radical damage in the body. (Free radicals can lead to signs of premature aging, and some types of inflammation) The Journal of Agriculture & Food Chemistry says "Richly concentrated as pigments in berries, anthocyanins were the topics of research presented at a 2007 symposium on health benefits that may result from berry consumption. Laboratory-based evidence was provided for potential health effects against: · cancer · aging and neurological diseases · inflammation · diabetes · bacterial infections" A colorful plate not only looks appetizing, but when you use colored fruits, veggies & seeds, it's even better for you! By mixing the two types of Chia together, as in MySeeds Chia, you won’t miss out on any of the valuable benefits Chia Seeds have to offer. It’s also less costly than pure white seeds, so you’re not only benefiting, you’re saving too! So when you choose your Chia, be sure to remember that it might be a “Black and White” issue after all!

What’s the Right Chia For Your Diet? It’s Not A Black & White Issue

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What’s the Right Chia for

Your Diet?

It’s not a Black & White Issue!

Are you looking for an easy way to lose weight without starving yourself? Are you looking for a simple and delicious way to add more nutrition to your life, without the hassle or expense? Then chances are, you’re looking for chia. With its unique ability to form a thick, filling gel, when added to liquid, Chia seeds are an ideal weight loss aid. The gel fills you up, and since it has no flavor, you can add it to anything you already like to eat. The seeds themselves are also packed with nutrients, like omega 3 oil, fiber, and protein….so it’s easy to increase your over-all health by adding Chia Seeds  to your diet. However…this is where you need to be alert! There are two different kinds of Chia, which is a variety of the mint plant. Both have flowers, and yield tiny, healthy seeds. But what you may not know, is that the different colors of seeds have different nutritional values. Chia plants with purple flowers will yield brown seeds. These are called “Black Chia”, though each seed Is a variety of different colors of brown, mottled together in a unique pattern. Plants with white flowers will produce only white seeds. These are a marbled mixture of white, gray and yellowish. Both don't have a flavor of their own, and function the same way, forming chia gel.
So what’s the difference? The seeds are actually pretty similar in nutritional content, but if you want the best of both worlds, you need a brand of Chia Seed such as MySeeds Chia, that mixes together both colors. Some Chia retailers only sell one type (color) of seed or meal, so be sure to get the facts first before you buy. And you might be missing out, or paying too much!
Black & White Chia Flower Graphic
However, those stats are just for what the FDA currently measures in all foods that have the 'nutrition facts' label. There are other substances in foods that the FDA does not currently measure...but they're still important for health!
Close Up Black & White Chia Size Seeds
Black Seed Protein: 4.3 White Seed Protein: 5.17 Black Seed Fiber: 6.52 White Seed Fiber: 5.52 Black Seed Cholesterol: 0 White Seed Cholesterol: 0
Take a look at this nutrition difference rundown:
Here are both kinds of seeds, separated. They're quite small, and each one is patterned on the surface.
What are Anthocyanins? Anthocyanins are the dark colored pigment in certain plant products, such as fruits, leaves, stems or seeds. The darker the color of the item, the more anthocyanins it is likely to contain. Dark colored examples include blackberries, plums, beets, black beans, and, the dark brown chia seed. The lighter something is, the less it will have so cauliflower, white potato and the white colored chia seed all have less. But what do they do for you? Anthocyanins have an anti-oxidant property. They help fight free radical damage in the body. (Free radicals can lead to signs of premature aging, and some types of inflammation) The Journal of Agriculture & Food Chemistry says "Richly concentrated as pigments in berries, anthocyanins were the topics of research presented at a 2007 symposium on health benefits that may result from berry consumption. Laboratory-based evidence was provided for potential health effects against: · cancer · aging and neurological diseases · inflammation · diabetes · bacterial infections" A colorful plate not only looks appetizing, but when you use colored fruits, veggies & seeds, it's even better for you! By mixing the two types of Chia together, as in MySeeds Chia, you won’t miss out on any of the valuable benefits Chia Seeds have to offer. It’s also less costly than pure white seeds, so you’re not only benefiting, you’re saving too! So when you choose your Chia, be sure to remember that it might be a “Black and White” issue after all!