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Worried About Type 2 Diabetes? Learn How Fiber Can Help You!

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The news will tell you that type 2 Diabetes is on the rise in the USA, and around the world, for both kids and adults. But why? There are many studies, theories & articles going around trying to explain the rise. However, there are a few likely culprits:   1. Less fiber & more refined foods are on the menu 2. The “Low Fat” craze has been raising the sugar content of many foods 3. More artificial flavors instead of health-benefit packed real herbs, spices & seasonings These trends are suspect because 1. Fiber slows down the conversion of carbohydrates into sugars as you’re digesting (this is good for blood sugar levels.) 2. When fats are removed from foods, they’ll taste bland and no-one will want to buy sugar is usually added for flavor instead. and 3. Real-food herbs & spices like cinnamon can have positive effects on natural insulin use. Obviously, removing fiber, adding sugar, and removing healthy spices/herbs etc. are all no good for nutrition. But What Can You Do? If you don’t have diabetes, it’s not too late to take steps to prevent it. And if you already have it, there’s a new way to help manage it. Studies have proven that the earlier you tackle any blood sugar problems, the better your chances are for success. It has also been made clear that losing excess weight can help ward off diabetes. If you could lose weight without being hungry, if you could add back precious fiber to foods, and if you could eat something that tasted however you wanted it to, would you do it?
Who wouldn’t answer ‘yes’ to that? You don’t have to turn all your habits upside-down or start taking expensive pills. All you need is the power of easy-to-eat fiber. The Chia Seed, while not well known, is actually a Superfood. It was lost for centuries, ever since the ancient Aztecs used its super-nutrition for their armies. With the ability to keep people feeling full, and being 23% complete protein by weight, it isn’t any wonder they were able to conquer so many lands. Every tiny seed was a powerhouse of nutrition, vitamins and essential omega-3 oils. They were light enough to carry, and they didn't go bad without refrigeration. How easy is it to use? Chia Seeds are actually one of the easiest things you can possibly add to your diet. It’s as simple as sprinkling them onto anything you already like to eat or drink. Chia Seeds don’t have a flavor of their own. Instead, they distribute the flavors of food or drink that you add them to. This property lets them take on the taste of that food, or amplify the flavor of liquids. (Meaning when you cook with them, the food will actually taste better!) For example, you could sprinkle them onto: breakfast cereal, yogurt, oatmeal, ice cream, juice, milk, pizza, salad dressing, pasta, sandwiches….really, anything that’s moist enough to get the seeds to stick to the surface…and you add the nutrition, fiber & fullness-factor of chia to anything you already like to eat! Anyone can sprinkle seeds onto food - no skills required.

Ok, so it’s easy to use- How is that relevent for diabetes?

Losing excess weight reduces diabetes risk. Hunger can be an issue with trying to lose weight. If you can fight hunger, weight loss can be easier. First: Chia Seeds help you feel full longer, and you can actually watch the process work! Diet pills may ask you to believe they work, but MySeeds Chia shows you. If you take 1 tablespoon-full of Chia and add it to 9 tablespoons of water, stir, and wait 15 minutes, you’ll see that each seed has formed a big bead of gel on the surface and the water is now thick like a gelatin. Notice how much larger this solid form is? This is what happens when you eat the seeds. The gel won’t come off the seed easily, and is made of pure water. This feels like food in the stomach, but replaces calories with water (which has 0 calories)
Lose Weight Scale Photo Dry Chia in a Spoon Hydrated Chia in a Spoon
Here are the same seeds, first dry, then wet. You can see the gel that forms around each one. The Chia fiber keeps the water in place around the seeds.
Fiber helps with digestion & weight control. Fiber-rich foods are processed more slowly by the body. It doesn't matter if the fiber is soluble, or insoluble, it slows down the digestive process of carbohydrates into sugars because fiber itself can't be broken down by the body. Fiber can't be used by the body as an energy source, so it adds no calories. It's only a "sweeper" moving food through the digestive system or a "helper" feeding good bacteria who help you out. This is a great benefit if you’re trying to lose weight without starving! When foods process more slowly, you feel ‘satisfied’ or ‘full’ faster than normal. This makes it easy to eat less at mealtime. By packing in fiber, the food you eat is less calorically dense. The fiber fills you up, and performs its important roles in the colon, but ISNT absorbed by the body to turn into extra calories or fat. Insoluble fiber is not digested. It is sometimes called ‘roughage’ and helps to clean the colon. The other way Chia helps you feel full is the gelling action itself. When the seeds are exposed to water (or other liquids), they absorb over 9 times the weight of the seed in liquid and keep it close to the surface of the seed. It’s only removed slowly later on by the body (usually in the colon). The removal of the water or other liquid helps hydrate the intestine along the way.

Blood Glucose Levels & Insulin

But what about glucose? Glucose and insulin levels are important for preventing type-2 diabetes. Starchy foods, sugary drinks, and other modern-day diet options that convert quickly into sugars in the body spike insulin levels. You can give your system a break with fiber. Viscous fiber also called soluble fiber (that which appears like a gelatin) slows down the conversion of carbohydrates into sugars and helps normalize blood glucose levels. That means it’s beneficial to mix Chia Seed in with food you already like to eat. Notice how lots of modern-day convenience food choices are also low in fiber. Fiber generally does not improve the texture of foods (like people who prefer white bread, it's soft, easy, and low in fiber) so a lot of times, it is refined out. High starch levels combined with low fiber levels are a poor combination. By adding fiber back in with chia, you get the taste and the texture...along with the fiber your body needs. Blood sugar naturally rises and falls through out the day. It can also be what makes you drowsy in the afternoon. Big dips and spikes aren’t good for consistent, healthy energy. The slowing of conversion of carbohydrates into sugar has the ability to create endurance. Carbohydrates are the fuel for energy in the body. Prolonging their conversion into sugar stabilizes metabolic changes, diminishing the surges of highs and lows creating a longer duration in their fueling effects. Protein fuels energy as well, and the protein in chia is complete. Once again, a double benefit for you. With Chia Seeds you can deal a powerful 1-2 punch against Type-2 Diabetes risk-factors: excess weight and insulin spiking foods. Of course, there are many other benefits to Chia as well, such as healthy omega-3 oils, micro-nutrients, a full range of B-vitamins and more calcium by weight than milk. If you already have Type-2 Diabetes, it’s important to watch your blood-sugar closely and ask your doctor about adding Chia Seeds to your diet. If you don’t have this problem, it’s not too late to take preventative measures by increasing fiber intake, adding nutrients & staying hydrated. If you have risk factors, or, if you’re just looking for a way to feel better every day, and improve your health, you need to take action right away. You need Chia Seeds!
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Chia Fiber Against Diabetes Article Header

Blood Glucose Levels & Insulin

But what about glucose? Glucose and insulin levels are important for preventing type-2 diabetes. Starchy foods, sugary drinks, and other modern-day diet options that convert quickly into sugars in the body spike insulin levels. You can give your system a break with fiber. Viscous fiber also called soluble fiber (that which appears like a gelatin) slows down the conversion of carbohydrates into sugars and helps normalize blood glucose levels. That means it’s beneficial to mix Chia Seed in with food you already like to eat. Notice how lots of modern-day convenience food choices are also low in fiber. Fiber generally does not improve the texture of foods (like people who prefer white bread, it's soft, easy, and low in fiber) so a lot of times, it is refined out. High starch levels combined with low fiber levels are a poor combination. By adding fiber back in with chia, you get the taste and the texture...along with the fiber your body needs. Blood sugar naturally rises and falls through out the day. It can also be what makes you drowsy in the afternoon. Big dips and spikes aren’t good for consistent, healthy energy. The slowing of conversion of carbohydrates into sugar has the ability to create endurance. Carbohydrates are the fuel for energy in the body. Prolonging their conversion into sugar stabilizes metabolic changes, diminishing the surges of highs and lows creating a longer duration in their fueling effects. Protein fuels energy as well, and the protein in chia is complete. Once again, a double benefit for you. With Chia Seeds you can deal a powerful 1-2 punch against Type-2 Diabetes risk-factors: excess weight and insulin spiking foods. Of course, there are many other benefits to Chia as well, such as healthy omega-3 oils, micro-nutrients, a full range of B-vitamins and more calcium by weight than milk. If you already have Type-2 Diabetes, it’s important to watch your blood-sugar closely and ask your doctor about adding Chia Seeds to your diet. If you don’t have this problem, it’s not too late to take preventative measures by increasing fiber intake, adding nutrients & staying hydrated. If you have risk factors, or, if you’re just looking for a way to feel better every day, and improve your health, you need to take action right away. You need Chia Seeds!
Fiber helps with digestion & weight control. Fiber-rich foods are processed more slowly by the body. It doesn't matter if the fiber is soluble, or insoluble, it slows down the digestive process of carbohydrates into sugars because fiber itself can't be broken down by the body. Fiber can't be used by the body as an energy source, so it adds no calories. It's only a "sweeper" moving food through the digestive system or a "helper" feeding good bacteria who help you out. This is a great benefit if you’re trying to lose weight without starving! When foods process more slowly, you feel ‘satisfied’ or ‘full’ faster than normal. This makes it easy to eat less at mealtime. By packing in fiber, the food you eat is less calorically dense. The fiber fills you up, and performs its important roles in the colon, but ISNT absorbed by the body to turn into extra calories or fat. Insoluble fiber is not digested. It is sometimes called ‘roughage’ and helps to clean the colon. The other way Chia helps you feel full is the gelling action itself. When the seeds are exposed to water (or other liquids), they absorb over 9 times the weight of the seed in liquid and keep it close to the surface of the seed. It’s only removed slowly later on by the body (usually in the colon). The removal of the water or other liquid helps hydrate the intestine along the way.
Here are the same seeds, first dry, then wet. You can see the gel that forms around each one. The Chia fiber keeps the water in place around the seeds.
Hydrated Chia in a Spoon Dry Chia in a Spoon
Losing excess weight reduces diabetes risk. Hunger can be an issue with trying to lose weight. If you can fight hunger, weight loss can be easier. First: Chia Seeds help you feel full longer, and you can actually watch the process work! Diet pills may ask you to believe they work, but MySeeds Chia shows you. If you take 1 tablespoon-full of Chia and add it to 9 tablespoons of water, stir, and wait 15 minutes, you’ll see that each seed has formed a big bead of gel on the surface and the water is now thick like a gelatin. Notice how much larger this solid form is? This is what happens when you eat the seeds. The gel won’t come off the seed easily, and is made of pure water. This feels like food in the stomach, but replaces calories with water (which has 0 calories)
Lose Weight Scale Photo

Ok, so it’s easy to use- How is that relevent

for diabetes?

Who wouldn’t answer ‘yes’ to that? You don’t have to turn all your habits upside-down or start taking expensive pills. All you need is the power of easy-to-eat fiber. The Chia Seed, while not well known, is actually a Superfood. It was lost for centuries, ever since the ancient Aztecs used its super- nutrition for their armies. With the ability to keep people feeling full, and being 23% complete protein by weight, it isn’t any wonder they were able to conquer so many lands. Every tiny seed was a powerhouse of nutrition, vitamins and essential omega-3 oils. They were light enough to carry, and they didn't go bad without refrigeration. How easy is it to use? Chia Seeds are actually one of the easiest things you can possibly add to your diet. It’s as simple as sprinkling them onto anything you already like to eat or drink. Chia Seeds don’t have a flavor of their own. Instead, they distribute the flavors of food or drink that you add them to. This property lets them take on the taste of that food, or amplify the flavor of liquids. (Meaning when you cook with them, the food will actually taste better!) For example, you could sprinkle them onto: breakfast cereal, yogurt, oatmeal, ice cream, juice, milk, pizza, salad dressing, pasta, sandwiches….really, anything that’s moist enough to get the seeds to stick to the surface…and you add the nutrition, fiber & fullness-factor of chia to anything you already like to eat! Anyone can sprinkle seeds onto food - no skills required.
The news will tell you that type 2 Diabetes is on the rise in the USA, and around the world, for both kids and adults. But why? There are many studies, theories & articles going around trying to explain the rise. However, there are a few likely culprits:   1. Less fiber & more refined foods are on the menu 2. The “Low Fat” craze has been raising the sugar content of many foods 3. More artificial flavors instead of health-benefit packed real herbs, spices & seasonings These trends are suspect because 1. Fiber slows down the conversion of carbohydrates into sugars as you’re digesting (this is good for blood sugar levels.) 2. When fats are removed from foods, they’ll taste bland and no-one will want to buy sugar is usually added for flavor instead. and 3. Real-food herbs & spices like cinnamon can have positive effects on natural insulin use. Obviously, removing fiber, adding sugar, and removing healthy spices/herbs etc. are all no good for nutrition. But What Can You Do? If you don’t have diabetes, it’s not too late to take steps to prevent it. And if you already have it, there’s a new way to help manage it. Studies have proven that the earlier you tackle any blood sugar problems, the better your chances are for success. It has also been made clear that losing excess weight can help ward off diabetes. If you could lose weight without being hungry, if you could add back precious fiber to foods, and if you could eat something that tasted however you wanted it to, would you do it?

Worried About Type 2 Diabetes?

Learn How Fiber Can Help You